Newsletter:#4 December 28, 2016.

Updated Photo’s

Inside the ECC walls

Hello all,

I hope everyone had a wonderful year with family and friends.  We appreciate your dedication to our citizens of Sumner County.

I wanted to reach out to you with another Newsletter to update you on the progress of the building and other upcoming events that have to do with the SCECC.

We have a WEBSITE

Make sure you create you membership to be able to ask questions or look at information being given out. Instructions attached.

We Have Progress

4The concrete roof is completed. The shoring and scaffolding have been removed. The construction company has begun metal framing of the interior offices and bathrooms. The electricians and AC workers are working diligently on their portion of the project. The brick has been completed on the front portion of the building and they will begin on back portion later next week. The generator and transformers are being set next week.

As you can see by the pictures, the building is coming along nicely. Now that they are working on the inside it should go pretty quick. I’m so excited to see everything coming together. We will have a very nice building to move into once completed, then the adventure will begin.


seminary_01For those that are planning on coming to the new center, please make sure that your minimum state requirements are met. There will be additional training required and right now we have identified that as EMD & CPR certification. As discussed in the last User Committee Meeting, we are working on training a trainer for both of those and as soon as we have that set up we will contact everyone and get that scheduled. We have identified required course you will need for the new center … NIMS/FEMA Incident Command System courses (ICS 100, 200, 700 and 800).

CAD Software

tritechThe contract has been signed for the new updated CAD with TRI TECH. We are in the process of nailing down a schedule so we have a better view of the upcoming training for all agencies.

EMD Cards

apco_logoEMD cards are almost finalized, once that occurs we can send them off to be printed at APCO. Mr. Brent Dyer, EMT/EMS has graciously volunteered to be our APCO EMD Restricted Medical Instructor. He will be instructing the medical portion of the class. We currently have several operators taking APCO instructor classes to help facilitate the training process.

CJIS Security Awareness

cjisboxWe are also in the process of ensuring everyone is up to date on CJIS Security Awareness, TBI/TIES Basic training. I have been in contact with TBI personnel to ensure the center is on track for their on-site visit so the center can be approved for operation. ORI’s have been requested, Non-Compliance Sanction Plan and the Management Control Agreements have been drafted ready signatures.

Additional Information

dispatchloveThe Wiring Bid was awarded to M3. We look forward to working with them.

The Office Furniture will need to be bid out. Will be completed the week of January 3rd.

Review and selection of console furniture will be conducted the week of January 3rd, hoping a contract will be signed as well.

News Updates

  • Job Descriptions/TaskPosted on SCECC Website
  • ApplicationsWill be available on website, please use Internet Explorer to complete and submit online applications.

  • Telecommunicator Position infoAccepting applications for all who are ready to make the commitment to work at the SCECC. 

  • Supervisor Position Posting Info There are currently no supervisor positions available.

  • UniformsMake sure you put your sizes for uniforms on applications.


payandbenefitsThe starting pay for a SCECC Telecommunicator will be $16.08 hr. If you currently are below this amount, you will be move up to starting pay wage. If you currently are at a higher pay wage you will remain the same as you are now. The Operation Committee Representatives will be working with their cities to determine separation packages.

Sumner County will be accepting your longevity years from current city entities. The pay will be based accordingly to Sumner County longevity pay scale. See Sumner County website for all benefits offered to current and future employees.


Rhonda Lea

Rhonda Lea, ENP/CMCP Director

I’m so excited to be a part of this great opportunity and look forward to working with each one of you.
Please feel free to contribute any and all feedback.
If you have any question or anything you would like to add to the newsletter let me know.

 This is going to be a great year for us.
My email is